Dry Mounted and Framed or Framed with Glass

All art in this collection is available as a Dry Mounted and Framed, or Matted and Framed with glass. If you are looking for a larger piece of art, please contact me directly. 250.540.8910 or tj@canadianartgifts.com

1. Poster Dry Mounted with 2.25" black frame. Mounted onto MDF and lightly textured with an Acrylic coating.  Black Medium Shallow Scoop Gallery Style Frame.Final product measurement about 16.5 x 22.5 inches. 

2. Poster, matted and framed with glass, finished product measures about 19.5 x 25.5 inches. 

Ready to Hang. For Indoor Use.

The image below is to show the difference between the two options.